展会动态 Exhibition News

关于 江门市进出口商会
江门市进出口商会(Jiangmen Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export),是经江门市民政局批准成立,2014年被评为江门市社会组织评估等级4A级的社会团体,2016年被广东省商务厅公平贸易局评为广东省公平贸易优秀工作站。商会是由江门市从事对外贸易、生产、服务和经济合作行业的经营者,为推动江门对外经济贸易发展,维护共同的合法经济利益自愿组成的非营利的社会团体。江门市进出口商会成立于2002年,前身为“江门进出口企业协会”,2011年10月10日曾更名为“江门国际商会”,2020年9月22日正式更名为“江门市进出口商会”,将进一步体现商会维护外经贸企业从事国际贸易的合法权益、促进与世界各地经贸合作交流的桥梁纽带作用。
Jiangmen Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export
The Jiangmen Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export is a social organization established with the approval by Jiangmen Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau. In 2014, it was rated as 4A level social organization in Jiangmen. In 2016, it was awarded as excellent fair trade workstation by the Fair Trade Office of the Commerce Department of Guangdong Province.
The Chamber is a non-profit social organization voluntarily formed by operators engaged in international trade, production, service and economic industries in Jiangmen. It aims at promoting the development of international business and economic of Jiangmen and protecting our legitimate economic benefit.
The Jiangmen Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export was established in 2002. It was formerly known as “The International Chamber of Commerce of Jiangmen”, then renamed as “The Jiangmen Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export” on September 22, 2020. This will further reflects the value of the chamber that playing the important role to protect our international trading enterprises’ legitimate economic interests and promote trading cooperation and exchange with various parts of the world.