Jiangmen Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export
联系号码 0750-3380201
电子邮件 jcic0750@163.com
本公司是一间专门生产并销售各类不锈钢厨具的专业工厂,我司拥有50000平方米现代化厂房,巨型摩擦压力机及从德国进口的旋压机等当今世界最先进的生产设备和加工手段, 使我司的产品质量及款式得到广大客户的亲睐
本公司是一间专门生产并销售各类不锈钢厨具的专业工厂,地处中国不锈钢产业基地—广东省江门市, 得天独厚的地理位置给我们也将给你们带来无限的商机,我司拥有50000平方米现代化厂房,为我们提供了宽广的施展空间。巨型摩擦压力机及从德国进口的旋压机等当今世界最先进的生产设备和加工手段, 为我们能够生产当今世界上最高档的产品提供了保证。一批具有高水平的技术及管理人才,会为您打开更广阔的想象空间,只要你能够想得到的, 我们就一定可以做得到。我司目前所获得的多项高技术的专利产品就是一个很好的例证。一支800多人训练有素的同行业精英的员工队伍,为我们承诺实现优质服务创造了有利条件,是我公司实力的体现。一套完整的质量管理体系, 贯穿我们工作的始终, 使我司的产品质量及款式得到广大客户的亲睐, 多个质量认证的获得就可充分证明这一点。
We are a leading manufacturer of all kinds of high quality stainless steel cookware. The company is located in Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, which is one of the largest industrial areas for stainless steel products in China and is convenient for Guangzhou, Shenzhen & Hong Kong, which are major ports in the Guangdong province. We have over 50,000 square meters of modern workshops which enable us to constantly expand and improve our business for the future.
We regularly invest in the latest production technology such as impact bonding machines and advanced bending & drawing machines imported from Germany. So we are able to satisfy the many different requirements from a diverse customer base. Our advanced technology can fulfill every design and whim. If you can imagine it we will make it. Numerous registered designs and Patents are testimony to this philosophy. We have more than 800 highly skilled and professional employees focused and dedicated to quality and service. Our fully integrated quality management system runs through the entire production process to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. Our quality certificates are evidence to this.